Welcome to Get Smart Politics!

My mission is to bring unbiased political information and analysis to Americans in a way that is interesting and engaging. I focus on simplifying complex ideas and showing why things matter.

That's why I started Get Smart Politics - to help people learn more about what's going on in our nation's capital without pushing a particular agenda. I am grateful for your support in this mission.

Subscribe now to get full access to political updates, deep dives into campaigns, and explanations of the U.S. government’s many moving parts.

Who is Eric Bohl?

I’m an attorney and former Chief of Staff to two current Members of Congress. I have over 15 years of legal and political experience at the highest levels of American politics.

Oddly, I’m also a geographer by training. I love maps and charts of all types. I use these skills to create unique visualizations of data and concepts. I like to get to the point. Hopefully this comes through in my writing!

What will I get when I subscribe to Get Smart Politics?

At GSP I discuss the things I’m watching in U.S. politics and why they matter. I look for interesting, unusual, or just plain fun ways to look at what’s going on.

I also enjoy taking deep dives and analysis into various political issues, such as Congressional elections, powerful and influential Executive Branch departments and agencies, Congressional committees, members of Congress, and more. We also have regular discussion threads about important hot topics in U.S. politics.

Why are there paid subscriptions?

Your support ensures I can continue to offer independent, unbiased information - something that is far too hard to find in today’s media landscape. I would like to access some resources to gather better data and information about campaign fundraising, Congressional salaries, and other insider information, but access to some of them is expensive. Part of your membership will help offset these costs. Also, I’m not going to lie – I put a lot of work into this, and I’d love to be able to buy my wife a nicer Christmas present with a few extra bucks.

Is this a right-wing newsletter or a left-wing newsletter?

No. While I have political leanings just like everyone else, Get Smart Politics is not a place for me to carry water for the Republican Party or Democratic Party. Through my analysis, you will get to know my view of the world, but I am not, and never have been, a rabid partisan.

How can I suggest a topic?

Have an idea? Fantastic! There are several ways to get it to me.

  1. Shoot me an email at getsmartpolitics@substack.com

  2. Click Reply on any Get Smart Politics email

  3. Put your suggestion in the comments of any post

I’d love to consider your idea and write about what you’re interested in.

Why do you write this newsletter?

I love following politics and the inner workings of the federal government. I also love to write. Get Smart Politics is a way for me to share what I enjoy with others in a way that makes me happy.

If you like what I’m doing here, please allow me to deliver it to your email inbox by clicking Subscribe.

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Bringing unbiased political information and analysis to Americans in a way that is interesting and engaging